Site of Adventures/Miles

Site of Adventures/Miles

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Double Down

Today I was still reeling from the past two days and "slept in" until 5:45AM. I ran an easy 4 miles around Glendoveer during a break, then ran another easy 6 miles around Glendoveer when class was done for the day. My calves feel better and I don't feel as bad as I did this morning. I'll take that as a good sign.

LSU vs Tx A&M tomrrow in the Cotton Bowl, plus a workout. Can't wait.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Foot Transport

Having been a runner for 15ish years, I've generally thought that I could run pretty much anywhere if I had to. Now, sans car, I have actually considered using running as a viable means of transportation. Today I actually ran to school, which was interesting to say the least.

Consider: I finished working out at 8:00PM yesterday, I take the bus home, I had to eat before passing out, it was chilly and rainy in the morning, I woke up at 5:30 to run some more. Suffice to say I felt like 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag. Somewhere along the way I got the bright idea that I'd just stop at Gateway TC, catch the bus, and run again later. So I beat the bus to Gateway and was waiting for a mocha to be made for me when the bus showed up. I asked the bus driver if he wouldn't mind waiting, he said nothing, then proceeded to pull away as soon as my tasty beverage was handed to me. Damn. So I caught the train for a few more blocks and ran it in to school. Ended up being about 10 miles and taking about 80 min. It'll take less now that I know where I'm going.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Intervals, Intervals!

Got back on the track today with Hoss and Jon Marcus to run 4x(600/400/300/200), all faster than 5k race pace. It was brutally cold again, but at least there wasn't any wind. I'd have to say the workout was a success and went something like this:

Set 1: 1:43/66/44/31
Set 2: 1:41/65/47/30
Set 3: 1:41/64/47/29
Set 4: 1:42/65/47/30

My calves were incredibly sore, despite running in flats. Considering this is the first fast stuff I've done since last May and it was near 32F (0C), it's a good sign for a good season. BUT, one workout does not make a season.

Monday, January 3, 2011

First Day of School

Today was the first day of the rest of the Winter Quarter, 2011. One thing that confuses me about the first day of school is how teachers just go over the syllabus. We're in grad school, taking relatively difficult classes, we can read. I showed up 20 or so minutes late to every class and didn't miss a thing. Really, really?

Ran a couple loops around Glendoveer and called it a day. Just recovering from yesterday and prepping for tomorrow's interval fun.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back For Some SLR......

Stayed with Hoss in order to run long with him in the morning. It was brutally cold out, especially by Portland and Baton Rouge standards. We bundled up and hit the trails of Forest Park for some running. We gained access at Lower MacLeay Park, ran to the Stone House, down Wildwood to Fire Lane 1, down FL#1 to Leif, then back to Hoss's. Never, ever, ever will I ever go DOWN FL#1 again. It was awful and killed my quads. Run totalled 95 minutes and I'm calling it 14 miles, but it may be less.

Also, I have resolved to streak this year. Not the kind that involves going through the quad to the gymnasium, but the kind that involves running daily. My resolution is to accumulate 30 min of running each day. Doesn't have to be all at once, just has to add up to more than 30 minutes.